A man rarely photographed with his shirt on! Iggy. Mr Pop. Still going strong at the age of 74-years-old. This four-CD set captures the final years of The Stooges via studio sessions and rehearsal recordings made in London, New York, Detroit, Michigan and L.A.
From prep’ for the recording and touring of their classic album, “Raw Power”. This is the companion set to 2020’s “You Think You Are Bad, Man?”
The 61 tracks here across four discs are licensed from Tony Defries’ MainMan Organisation, who managed the careers of Iggy, Bowie and Lou Reed.
Disc one delivers 20 curs from Olympic Studio, London in 1972. Then we have rehearsals in Michigan in 1973 on the second disc, and 10 tracks.
Disc three is 15 tracks from rehearsals in L.A. and Detroit in 1973 and the final CD gives us 16 tracks recorded in New York and Detroit at rehearsals.
The set includes classics, “Search And Destroy”, “Raw Power”, “Gimme Danger”, and a stack of lesser known tracks and material never recorded professionally.
After a two year hiatus, The Stooges reunited in 1972 and soon began to write “Raw Power” and then rehearse the set for a tour to promote the new record, for intense live shows throughout 1973 and 1974.
This set features sleeve notes from Iggy expert Kris Needs, and offers up a wonderful behind-the-scenes snapshot of a legendary artist and legendary band making anti-establishment rock and roll sound as timeless and exciting as ever.
By Katie Johnson