He’s at it again! Fearless snapper, smudger, tog…celebrated (by him!!) music photographer and friend of the stars (but not Taylor Swift; long story, don’t ask!) Jason Sheldon is back…
Poking his long lens at bands and artists on stage at Leeds Festival, to bring you a selection of red hot shots soon after these big names and rising stars finish their set.
After the first few songs, Jason can be found beavering away backstage in the media centre to edit and send over his pix for your delectation.
On day one of the 2022 event, Jason caught the following bands and artists in the act….
Main stage headliners The 1975, late replacement for Rage Against The Machine who pulled out due to a medical issue with one of the band.
Charlie XCX, Bastille, Run The Jewels, Pale Waves, Willow (Will Smith’s daughter) and young Leeds band The K’s.
* Check back soon for Saturday and Sunday coverage…………..

All Photos: Jason Sheldon