That man with a modern day version of a box Brownie camera, Jason Sheldon, was still standing (just!) on day three of Leeds Festival 2022, and here he brings us another lovely selection of images from the bands and artists he got up close and personal with on the final day of a triumphant Leeds Festival.
Artic Monkeys were main stage headliners on Sunday, but the Sheffield band decided they did not want their photograph taken by the accredited snappers on site, so Jason packed up his gear, popped off early to his tent and had a cup of cocoa and some posh biccies, and got an early night. * For cocoa see “a good few alcoholic night caps”.
Re: “posh biccies” – fyi: Jason is still banging on years later after a certain fellow music journalist/photographer allegedly filched and scoffed Jason’s stash of luxury biscuits from his hotel room when they were both covering a Liverpool festival! Old Sheldon still bears a grudge!!! Shall we have a whip-round or a Go Fund Me campaign?
Here we have the biscuit-less Mr Sheldon’s super ‘Hot Shots’ of Bring Me The Horizon, Enter Shakari, Wolf Alice, The Lathums, Poppy and Dayglow.


All Photos: Jason Sheldon